Flying in the sunset V
Gavilán mostrándose majestuoso, con sus alas extendidas.
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Flying in the sunset V

Tags: Flying in the sunset V

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Resting ( Agelaioides badius )
To up ( Vanellus chilensis )
The magician ( Sturnella superciliaris )


Thank you very much Hanife TANIR !!!

Pascual Di Stefano 28.09.2015 - 17:45
Hanife TANIR like this.
Thank you very much Nihan Bayındır, Stoian Nikolov, Haşim Şahin, Carole, Olga !!!

Pascual Di Stefano 28.09.2015 - 17:45
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Hanife TANIR 28.09.2015 - 14:06
Pascual Di Stefano like this.

Irena Trkulja 26.09.2015 - 15:47
Pascual Di Stefano like this.
Thank you very much Roger !!!

Pascual Di Stefano 26.09.2015 - 14:14
Thank you very much GrafiMX !!!

Pascual Di Stefano 26.09.2015 - 14:14
Thank you very much Heather !!!

Pascual Di Stefano 26.09.2015 - 02:32

Heather Carter 26.09.2015 - 01:56
Pascual Di Stefano like this.
Thank you very much Canel Ölgün !!!

Pascual Di Stefano 26.09.2015 - 00:29
Canel Ölgün like this.

Canel Ölgün 26.09.2015 - 00:26
Pascual Di Stefano like this.
Thank you very much Roger !!!

Pascual Di Stefano 26.09.2015 - 00:26