Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany
View from the top of the town hall tower: in the middle Gate Tower of "Burgtor" and Franziskaner-Church (left site)
Blick vom Rathausturm in die Herrngasse. Links ist die Franziskaner-Kirche zu sehen, am Ende der Gasse der Turm des Burgtores.
Photo info

Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany

Camera : Nikon D7100
Lens : Nikkor AF 75-300mm f/4.5-5.6
Tags: Rothenburg ob der Tauber, Germany Rothenburg ob der Tauber Burgtor Franziskaner-Kirche Herrngasse

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Tesekkür ederim, Gülce :)

Bettina Bruns 25.09.2014 - 03:59
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Gülce Mavi (Mâverâ) 25.09.2014 - 00:33
Bettina Bruns like this.
Cok tesekkür ederim, Ömer! Iyi geceler :)

Bettina Bruns 21.09.2014 - 23:58
Ömer Faruk TANIR like this.


Selected by Editor's choice.


Ömer Faruk TANIR 21.09.2014 - 23:49
Bettina Bruns like this.
Thank you, Giovanna :)

Bettina Bruns 21.09.2014 - 20:42
Thanks, Irena :)

Bettina Bruns 21.09.2014 - 00:07
Irena Trkulja like this.
Congratulation! :)

Irena Trkulja 21.09.2014 - 00:03
Bettina Bruns like this.
Dankeschön, Mehmet Sahin :)
Thank you Maria :)

Bettina Bruns 20.09.2014 - 21:59
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Mehmet Şahin ERKMEN 20.09.2014 - 19:55
Bettina Bruns like this.
Thank you, Ercan :)

Bettina Bruns 20.09.2014 - 16:54
Thank you Grafimx :)
Thanks, Roger :)

Bettina Bruns 20.09.2014 - 12:52
Ist auch eine tolle Stadt :)

Bettina Bruns 20.09.2014 - 12:52
Meryemce like this.
Tolle Aussicht ;)

Meryemce 20.09.2014 - 12:22
Bettina Bruns like this.
Thanks,Canel :)

Bettina Bruns 20.09.2014 - 10:56
so nice photo

Canel Ölgün 20.09.2014 - 10:19
Bettina Bruns like this.
Merci, Eric :)

Bettina Bruns 20.09.2014 - 02:25
Thank you, Sanzeda :)

Bettina Bruns 20.09.2014 - 01:37
Khan S Sanzeda like this.
Very unique photography. Rich in colors and tones.

Khan S Sanzeda 20.09.2014 - 00:52
Bettina Bruns like this.