Sandspit Graswarder
Graswarder is a sandspit nearby Heiligenhafen, Germany. A sandspit is a special landform found off coasts. At one end, spits connect to the beach, and extend into the sea. A spit forms because the sand on the beach is moved by the waves along the shore, and the sand collects at the end to form a spit. The process of the waves moving the sand along the shore is known as longshore drift. It is a centuries-long process.
Graswarder ist eine Nehrung, die durch die Jahrhunderte andauerndernde Anspülung von Sand entstanden ist.
Photo info

Sandspit Graswarder

Camera : Nikon D7100
Lens : Nikon AF-S DX Zoom-Nikkor 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6G ED II
Tags: Sandspit Graswarder Sandspit Nehrung Graswarder Heiligenhafen Baltic Sea Ostsee blauer Himmel blue sky

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Gülce Mavi (Mâverâ) 15.11.2014 - 19:17
Tesekkürler Hanife :D

Bettina Bruns 05.11.2014 - 11:45
Hanife TANIR like this.
Danke Dir, Doris :)

Bettina Bruns 05.11.2014 - 11:44


Selected by Editor's choice.


Hanife TANIR 05.11.2014 - 08:12
Bettina Bruns like this.
großartig! gratuliere! :D

Doris Holzmann 05.11.2014 - 02:27
Bettina Bruns like this.
Dankeschön, Irena :)

Bettina Bruns 05.11.2014 - 02:04

Irena Trkulja 05.11.2014 - 01:16
Thank you, Roger :)
Thanks, GrafiMX :)

Bettina Bruns 04.11.2014 - 23:30
Hanife TANIR like this.
Thanks, Maria :)

Bettina Bruns 04.11.2014 - 20:08
Cok tesekkür ederim, Gülce!
Günaydin! :)

Bettina Bruns 04.11.2014 - 11:13
Thank you, Heather and Canel!
Dankeschön, DatSe!

Bettina Bruns 04.11.2014 - 11:12
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Gülce Mavi (Mâverâ) 04.11.2014 - 10:23
Bettina Bruns like this.

Canel Ölgün 04.11.2014 - 08:28
Bettina Bruns like this.

Heather Carter 04.11.2014 - 05:40
Bettina Bruns like this.
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