English Chat

English Chat

Good Afternoon, Ergin!
My photo Garça won as Popular but I didn't get the points and selo.
Thank you so much!

Maria Angela Fioretto 15.09.2022 - 20:30
Please take notice of this:

lalaji anwar 10.08.2022 - 14:20
Your rank is 23 Irena Trkulja rank is 22


irena point is 52755
your point is 47325

How do you expect to rank higher with a lower score?

You used to move fast because your opponents were weak now you need your opponents to be passive to move up a rank.

You are completely free to go or not. Don't bother people again for this issue!

Ergin Üçüncü 16.05.2022 - 19:29
Please see and take action about these advertisers :


lalaji anwar 04.05.2022 - 19:44
Ergin Üçüncü like this.
Thank you
❤️ ⚜️

lalaji anwar 01.04.2022 - 18:46
Please remove this advertset:

lalaji anwar 30.03.2022 - 06:10
Ergin Üçüncü like this.
okay, thanks, Engin :)

Thomas Bo Christoffersen 27.09.2021 - 21:28
Ergin Üçüncü like this.
Deleting the comment does not matter, it is still among the popular photos. But I still brought back the deleted comment for you :)

Ergin Üçüncü 27.09.2021 - 21:20
Hello GrafiMX I just made an error, as I by accident erased a ` " New comment of your photo
and thereby erased a "Popular prize" Can you
give back my reward, please !
For over 7 years I have been a member of GrafiMX. It has been a wonderful journey in the world of photografing. Every day it is a pleasure to look at the photos of
all photographers here. Have a nice time everybody ! and have a happy photo hunt !

Thomas Bo Christoffersen 26.09.2021 - 08:48
Ergin Üçüncü like this.
Good afternoon!!! I can't vote for the group's photos as favorites. I see that there are people in the group who are managing to vote for the photos as favorites. Could you please help me solve this technical problem? Because every time I vote for the photos as favorites, the word "Nicht Möglich" appears and I can't vote. I count on your help!!! Thank you!!!

Maria Angela Fioretto 05.03.2021 - 18:54
Hello Everbody :)

Zoghlami Rami 15.01.2019 - 18:50
Kandiliniz Mübarek olsun!!!
Happy candle to you :D

Batman 30.03.2017 - 22:41
Evri badi buro

Mehmet Güdü 16.03.2017 - 10:46
Hav aryusunuz mıstır Mehmet ?

Yakup Ergenç 20.02.2017 - 22:56
Mehmet Güdü like this.

Mehmet Güdü 19.02.2017 - 10:18
Yakup Ergenç like this.