
Dolmabahçe Palace

In the 19th century, the effect of the renewal and modernization winds of the age was reflected not only on the culture and administration of the Ottoman Empire, but also on its palaces. The most magnificent work revealed by this wind of innovation is the Dolmabahçe Palace, which has the title of being the third largest palace structure

Dolmabahçe Sarayı İstanbul Beşiktaş Osmanlı Mimarisi 19.yy

City & Architecture 13.12.2021

Celsus Kütüphanesi

Celsus Library
Celsus Library, one of the most important structures of the Ephesus Ancient City, was built by his son Gaius Julius Aquila in honor of Celsus between the years 110 - 135 AD.
The building, which is one of the most beautiful buildings of the Roman period, served as both a library and a tomb monument. When

Celsus Library Ephesus İzmir Ancient City Efes Antik Kenti Celsus Kütüphanesi

City & Architecture 15.11.2021


Teil der Parkanlage Schloss Hohenheim

Die Ursprünge der Universität Hohenheim reichen bis in das Jahr 1818 zurück. Das Schloss stammt aus dem 18. Jahrundert. Hohenheim selbst wird erstmals um 1100 urkundlich erwähnt.

Im 20. Jahrhundert erfuhr die Universität ihren bislang stärksten Ausbau. Seither vereinigen sich die Agrarwissenschaften

Nature 21.02.2017

Celsus Kütüphanesi

Celsus Library
Celsus Library, one of the most important structures of the Ephesus Ancient City, was built by his son Gaius Julius Aquila in honor of Celsus between the years 110 - 135 AD.
The building, which is one of the most beautiful buildings of the Roman period, served as both a library and a tomb monument. When

Celsus Library Ephesus İzmir Ancient City Efes Antik Kenti Celsus Kütüphanesi

City & Architecture 15.11.2021

Dolmabahçe Palace

In the 19th century, the effect of the renewal and modernization winds of the age was reflected not only on the culture and administration of the Ottoman Empire, but also on its palaces. The most magnificent work revealed by this wind of innovation is the Dolmabahçe Palace, which has the title of being the third largest palace structure

Dolmabahçe Sarayı İstanbul Beşiktaş Osmanlı Mimarisi 19.yy

City & Architecture 13.12.2021

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