


Hibiscus is just blooming in my garden. Łódź, Poland

plant shrub flowers hibiscus blooming garden

Flowers 19.05.2024


Hibiscus is a genus of flowering plants in the mallow family, Malvaceae. The genus is quite large, comprising several hundred species that are native to warm temperate, subtropical and tropical regions throughout the world. Member species are renowned for their large, showy flowers and those species are commonly known simply as "hibiscus",

plant shrub flower hibiscus street blooming

Flowers 04.05.2024

Retired hibiscus

It will take some time before the hibiscus will bloom again

Zoom in/out 21.03.2024


A bird smaller than a gray heron. It does not occur naturally in Poland. In flight, features such as long wings and a short tail are clearly visible.
It breeds colonially on coastal or mountain cliff ledges, where it typically lays two to three eggs in a stick nest, and feeds on lizards, insects, and other small animals.

animal bird ibis black beak tree

Birds 29.02.2024


The northern bald ibis, hermit ibis, or waldrapp is a migratory Old World bird found in open areas such as grasslands, rocky habitats and semi-deserts, often close to running water.
It breeds colonially on coastal or mountain cliff ledges, where it typically lays two to three eggs in a stick nest, and feeds on lizards, insects,

animal bird black ibis beak water

Birds 25.02.2024


A beautiful, sought-after variety of hibiscus with very large flowers, up to 6 cm in diameter, and rare double flowers. They stay on the bush for a long time. Flowering time is mid-summer and grass until mid-autumn.

plant flower pink hibiscus garden

Flowers 04.02.2024


Hibiscus helps firm the skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and soothe skin irritations. When added to cosmetics, it softens the skin, soothes irritations and stimulates cell regeneration. Hibiscus extract is especially recommended for problems with vascular skin, because it strengthens fragile blood vessels.

plant bush flowers hibiscus red

Flowers 28.01.2024

Hibiscus flowers

Yesterday it snowed a bit. There is a hibiscus bush in front of the front door. That's a few flowers covered in snow

Seasons 16.01.2024


Papatya Gibisin Beyaz ve İnce...

Aslında Herkes Kalbine Sormalı...

Papatya Seviyor Sevmiyor

Flowers 12.05.2014

Papatya Gibisin Sevmesem Solarsın Güzel Gözlüm

POlurda etrafında yakın birini ararsan omuzlarıma kafanı yaslaman yeter ve aklından beyninden ne gecıyorsa teker teker anlat güzel gözlüm...

Flowers 09.03.2019

Sabah Güneşi Gibisin

Sana bir şeyi nasıl bileceğini öğreteyim mi? Bildiğin zaman bildiğini anla, bilmediğin zaman ise bilmediğini anla.....


Flowers 08.10.2014

Soramadığım birkaç kelime gibisin Toprak...

Soramadığım birkaç kelime gibisin Toprak...
Ya sen olmasaydın?
Ya yağan yağmurlarda
O üzerine düşen tohum olmasaydım.
Ya sana tutunup hiç açmasaydım.

sarı siyah çiçek makro yaprak yeşil

Flowers 10.02.2017

Circle Of Hibiscus !

11 / 01 / 2015 ( 08 : 35 )

Flowers 03.12.2015

Always Colors

Flor de Hibiscus Hawaiano, en dos colores, montaje hecho sobre la flor no en photoshop, petalos claros, entremezcaldos con los rojos

Flowers 13.04.2015

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