Tuberous begonias are a group of Begonia cultivars, sometimes regarded as some of the most spectacular of the genus. Tuberous begonias grow best in partial shade or filtered sunlight.
plant flowers begonia white decorative
Flowers 26.09.2024Cannas are exceptionally attractive plants that can be grown both in containers and in garden beds. As exotic perennials, however, they have high requirements. They must be provided with a sunny and warm location, and also overwintered in a cool room. Cannas adorn gardens with beautiful flowers in fiery colors and long leaves with an
plant flower canna blooming garden decorative
Flowers 18.09.2024Lepidoptera is an order of winged insects which includes butterflies and moths.
They play an important role in the natural ecosystem as pollinators and serve as primary consumers in the food chain; conversely, their larvae (caterpillars) are considered very problematic to vegetation in agriculture, as they consume large quantity
nature butterfly colorful flower zinnia white
Butterfly 09.09.2024It is a small, but fast-growing annual plant growing to 30 cm tall, though usually less. However, if it is cultivated properly, it can easily reach this height. The leaves are thick and fleshy, up to 2.5 cm long, arranged alternately or in small clusters. The flowers are 2.5–3 cm diameter with five petals, variably red, orange, pink,
Zoom in/out 29.08.2024(Gün batımından 1-2 saat sonra açmağa başlıyor. Açması ile solması toplam 3-4 saat gibi
bir sürede tamamlanıyor. Senede bir kez açıyor. Ancak geçen sene 3 ay arayla iki kez açtı.)
Hibiscus moscheutos or the rose mallow. The edible parts of the plant include its leaf buds and young leaves, flowers, immature seed pods (which can be prepared as okra), seeds, and roots.The leaves and roots are known to contain mucilage. Tea from boiled leaves has been used to relieve cough, sore throat, and digestive inflammation.
plant shrub flower hibiscus garden
Flowers 17.08.2024perennial dwarf plant native to South Africa. It forms a dense lawn with lush, long-lasting flowers. It reaches a height of about 10–15 cm (4–6 inches), with fleshy leaves that are linear and simple, and can grow up to 1.5 inches long, and a hanging stem that hangs downwards. These fleshy roots help the plants recover and grow
Zoom in/out 15.08.2024Hibiscus moscheutos, the rose mallow is a species of flowering plant in the family Malvaceae. It is a cold-hardy perennial wetland plant that can grow in large colonies.
Numerous forms exist in nature. It is a tall plant, with a height of 1.5–2.5 metres and flowers up to 20 centimetres across. Petal colors range from pure white
plant flower hibiscus in bloom garden
Flowers 14.08.2024Echinacea is recommended primarily during the cold season, among other things to strengthen the immunity of children and adults. Echinacea tea, brewed from natural dried herbs, works great for this purpose. Echinacea is also a popular ingredient in all dietary supplements intended to build immunity and fight flu and other respiratory
plant flower echinacea pink garden
Flowers 10.08.2024Maron coloured Hollyhocks flower
Hollyhocks Macro Petals Stemen Nature Spring Colour
Flowers 05.08.2024Zinnia elegans known as youth-and-age, common zinnia or elegant zinnia, is an annual flowering plant in the family Asteraceae. It is native to Mexico but grown as an ornamental in many places and naturalised in several places, including scattered locations in South and Central America, the West Indies, the United States, Australia,
plant flowers zinnia white garden
Flowers 04.08.2024The garden pansy is a type of polychromatic large-flowered hybrid plant cultivated as a garden flower. Pansies, for best growth, are watered thoroughly about once a week, depending on climate and rainfall. The plant should never be over-watered. To maximize blooming, plant foods are used about every other week, depending on the type
plants flowers pansies colorful garden
Flowers 11.07.2024Mem Û Zî Türbesi
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Bu arada kabuklusuna Salyangoz, evsizine Sümüklüböcek
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Insect 25.06.2014Beyaz örümcek
Misumena cinsinin misumena vatia türü olan ve renkleri gereği halk arasında beyaz örümcek olarak bilinir. Özelliği ise yumurtalarına yaklaşan insanı hissettiğinde yumurtası aniden patlayıverir ve etrafındakilere zehir sıçratarak kör eder. O yüzden yumurtalarına fazla yaklaşmadan uzaktan ateş
Misumena vatia 3N1C0606 14.07.2014 spider örümcek beyaz örümcek makro örümcek macro spider örümcek resimleri örümcek fotoğrafları
Macro 03.08.2014Pentatomidae, Greek pente meaning five and tomos meaning section, are a family of insects belonging to order Hemiptera including some of the stink bugs and shield bugs. The scutellum body is typically half of an inch long, green or brown color, usually trapezoidal in shape, giving this family the name "shield bug". The tarsi are 3-segmented.
Macro 06.06.20141230’da rahipler, kurucuları Assisili Aziz Fransua adına, Galata civarında bir kilise inşa ettiler. 1639 ve 1660 yangınlarında iki kez yanan ve her yangından sonra yeniden aynı yerde kurulan Aziz Fransua Kilisesi en son geçirdiği yangın olan ve bütün çevresini yutan 1696 yangınından sonra Beyoğlu’daki yeni konumuna
City & Architecture 16.12.2014Caminin oyma olarak yapılan kapısı bitki motifleri ile süslüdür. Kapının üst tarafında friz halinde parmak motifi süslemesi bulunmaktadır. Daha üste iki pencerenin orta kısmında yuvarlak bir madalyon içerisinde Arapça bir yazı bulunmaktadır.
Caminin içi kök boyadan yapılmış çeşitli bitkiler motiflerle
" Hidden Lake"
" Kocaeli 's 1985 at Ulaşlı connected to Karamursel District was a severe landslide. Following the landslide occurred in a small lake. When viewed from the coastline, invisible to remain behind the mountain lake "Hidden Lake" was called."
Kocaeli ’nin Karamürsel İlçesi’ne bağlı
Saklı Göl Ördekler Ulaşlı Karamürsel Kocaeli
Landscapes 04.08.2016Yusufçuk (Anisoptera), odonata takımına ait, kanatlarını dinlenmeleri sırasında yanlara açık olarak yatay tutmalarıyla kızböceklerinden ayrılan bir alttakım. Büyük birleşik gözleri, güçlü saydam (Kanatları), göz alıcı renkleri ve uzunca vücutlarıyla ile tanınırlar. Vücutları kuvvetli yapıda ve hiçbirzaman
Sympetrum flaveolum yusufçuk yusufçuk resimleri yusufçuk fotoğrafları kız böcekleri kızböceği 3N1C9602 25.06.2015
Nature 27.06.2014The Schliffkopf is a mountain in the Northern Black Forest between Baiersbronn, Ottenhöfen and Oppenau. It is 1,053.6 m above sea level (NHN)[1]. The Schliffkopf lies on the Black Forest High Road in the National Park and is the site of an eponymous four star "wellness" hotel. Various long distance paths, including the West Way, run
Seasons 06.02.2020For over two centuries, the port built in traditional wooden stakes, has served as anchorage for local boats. Over the wharf, stand small buildings which support the fishermen.
This palafitte port, unique in Europe, lies a small fishing village, Carrasqueira on the left bank of the River Sado. Here, you can enjoy breathtaking
Sirkeci Gar’ı, II. Abdülhamid devrinde İstanbul'un Avrupa Yakası'nda 1890 yılında yapılmıştır. Prusyalı Mimar Jasmund tarafından yapılan bina, Orta Avrupa’daki tüm tren istasyonlarının tasarımına esin kaynağı olmuştur.
"Sirkeci Gar, İt was built in 1890 on the European side of Istanbul during
Sirkeci Tren Gar Mimari Motif İstanbul
City & Architecture 06.04.2019Kırmızı bir diken çeşidi...
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Plant 14.12.2013Hatay iline bağlı Yayladağı ilçesinde bulunan ve faal olmayan volkanik dağ. Antik adı Silpiyus Dağı olup, yerel halk tarafından Cebel-i Akra olarak da bilinir. Akdeniz'in güneydoğu köşesinde hemen deniz kıyısından yükselen dağın yüksekliği 1740 metredir. Dağda yetişen belli başlı bitki çakşır otudur. Tilki,
Nature 30.09.2014