


In the Rock City, Adrspach, Czech Republic

lake water reflections rocks trees nature

Nature 15.11.2024


Sightseeing the Rock City in Czech Republic

sightseeing way people pond rocks trees

Travel 14.11.2024


In the vicinity of Dalyan you can come across many ancient relics, such as the Licilian tombs in Kaunos (founded in the 4th century BC on the border of ancient Caria and Lycia in the 4th century BC on the border of ancient Caria and Lycia) incorporated into the precipitous rocks. It is said that the tombs were carved in a hanging position,

rocks tombs ancient river Dalyan

Travel 14.10.2024


Hylotelephium spectabile is a species of flowering plant in the stonecrop family Crassulaceae, native to China and Korea. Its common names include showy stonecrop, iceplant, and butterfly stonecrop.
Easily grown in pots, it is widely used in decorative beds, rock gardens in particular, or in pots, especially in China where this

plant flowering in bloom garden decorative

Plant 13.09.2024


The Rock of Gibraltar is a Jurassic limestone mountain, rising to 426 m above sea level. from the Mediterranean Sea off the southern coast of Spain, entirely belonging to the exclave of Gibraltar - an overseas territory of Great Britain.

landscape view Gibraltar sea ship buildings

Landscapes 30.04.2024


Syringa vulgaris or common lilac, is a species of flowering plant in the olive family Oleaceae, native to the Balkan Peninsula, where it grows on rocky hills. Grown in spring for its scented flowers, this large shrub or small tree is widely cultivated and has been naturalized in parts of Europe, Asia and North America.

plant bush flowers lilac blooming spring

Flowers 15.04.2024


The northern bald ibis, hermit ibis, or waldrapp is a migratory Old World bird found in open areas such as grasslands, rocky habitats and semi-deserts, often close to running water.
It breeds colonially on coastal or mountain cliff ledges, where it typically lays two to three eggs in a stick nest, and feeds on lizards, insects,

animal bird black ibis beak water

Birds 25.02.2024


Cultivated plant: in gardening, a species from southern Africa, the so-called Jameson's gerbera. In countries with a warm climate, it is grown in rock gardens. In Poland, it does not survive the winter, it is grown only in greenhouses, mainly as a cut flower.

plant flower gerbera yellow arrangement fine art

Fine Art 16.02.2024


The King pigeon is a breed of pigeon developed over many years of selective breeding primarily as a utility breed. Kings along with other varieties of domesticated pigeons are all descendants from the rock dove.
The breed also has a variety bred for exhibition purposes at pigeon shows. It is called the Show King to distinguish

animals birds pigeons white king show

Birds 09.02.2024


Feral pigeons also called city doves, city pigeons, or street pigeons are descendants of domestic pigeons that have returned to the wild. The domestic pigeon was originally bred from the wild rock dove, which naturally inhabits sea-cliffs and mountains.

animal bird pigeon sitting tree

Birds 20.10.2023


The Meteora is a rock formation in the regional unit of Trikala, in Thessaly, Greece, hosting one of the largest and most precipitously built complexes of Eastern Orthodox monasteries, second in importance only to Mount Athos. The six (of an original twenty-four) monasteries are built on immense natural pillars and hill-like rounded

mountains rocks formation monasteries landscape Greece

Landscapes 28.09.2023


Externsteine im Teutoburger Wald

Die Externsteine sind eine markante Sandstein-Felsformation im Teutoburger Wald und eine herausragende Natursehenswürdigkeit. Bereits 1926 wurden die Externsteine als eines der ältesten und bedeutendsten Naturschutzgebiete im Kreis Lippe unter Schutz gestellt. Auf dem Foto ist ein Teil der Externsteine zu sehen. Insgesamt gibt es

Externsteine Teutoburger Wald Wiembecke-Teich Herbst autumn Reflektion Reflection

Landscapes 11.11.2014

Mighty CHILTAN Mountain....

Koh-i-Chiltan, Chiltan Mount, is a peak located in the Chiltan mountain group of the Sulaiman Mountains, in the Quetta District of Balochistan Province, in western Pakistan.

Koh-i-Chiltan is the summit of a steep, rocky mountain called Chiltan or Chehel-Tan (Persian/Balochi: 'Forty Bodies'). Koh-i-Chiltan is the

Chiltan Balochistan mountain nature grandure

Landscapes 18.12.2016

Harz Narrow Gauge Railways

The best-known line of the Harz Narrow Gauge Railways is the Brocken Railway in the Harz Mountain.

Harz Narrow Gauge Railways Harzer Schmalspurbahn Brocken Harz Harz Mountain Winter Abend

Transportation / Car 03.02.2016

Rock Dove

#Pigeon #RockPigeon #RockDove #Bird

Birds 16.11.2017

Schlossgarten Karlsruhe-Durlach

Mit dem Umzug des Markgrafen von Pforzheim Karl II., genannt Karle mit de Dasch, nach Durlach wurde um 1565 an der neuen Residenz ein Lustgarten angelegt, der in Resten als jetziger Schlossgarten mit Rasenflächen, herrlichen alten Bäumen und einer der ältesten Kastanienalleen Deutschlands noch vorhanden ist. Der historische Park

Nature 06.10.2017

Bağırganlı Kayalıkları & Fotoğrafçı

"Bağırganlı rocky and photographer "

Bağırganlı Kayalıkları
Bağırganlı - Kandıra / Kocaeli

Yaş günümü kutlayan tüm GrafiMX dostlarıma çok teşekkür ederim...
"To my friends who celebrated my birthday all grafimx, Thank you very much... "

Bağırganlı Kayalıklar Deniz Dalga Fotoğrafçı Kandıra

Sea - Lake 19.11.2015

Pembe Kayalar

" Pink rocks "

Pembe Kayalar

Kefken - Kandıra / Kocaeli

Pembe Kayalar Dalgalar Kefken Kandıra Kocaeli

Sea - Lake 15.07.2016

Natural Tresure

Beautiful place at Lake Reynisvatn, Reykjavik, Iceland.

nature landscape reflection trees rocks sky clouds Reykjavik Iceland 2017

Landscapes 30.07.2017


Taken in Banff National Park


Landscapes 10.08.2020

Hayko Cepkin concert

Türkish Rockmusic ..
6.8.2019 Kıbrıs -- Girnede konseriden

People 07.08.2019

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