


In the vicinity of Dalyan you can come across many ancient relics, such as the Licilian tombs in Kaunos (founded in the 4th century BC on the border of ancient Caria and Lycia in the 4th century BC on the border of ancient Caria and Lycia) incorporated into the precipitous rocks. It is said that the tombs were carved in a hanging position,

rocks tombs ancient river Dalyan

Travel 14.10.2024


The Evzones or Evzonoi were several historical elite light infantry and mountain units of the Greek Army. Today, they are the members of the Presidential Guard, a ceremonial unit that guards the Greek Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Presidential Mansion in Athens.
Evzones are known for their distinctive uniform, which evolved

people guard changing tomb uniforms Greece

People 26.11.2023

The Gate-Mazaeus & Mithridates

Ephesus-Mazaeus & Mithridates Gate

This monumental gate was built in the north of the Library Square, when there was no library yet. This gate, which was built by the emperor's two slaves freed as a triumphal arch and given as a gift to the emperor Augustus and his wife Livia, was turned into the southern gate of the

Ephesus Efec Antik Kent Ancient City Gate Mazaeus Mithridates İzmir Historic Places

City & Architecture 16.11.2021

Celsus Kütüphanesi

Celsus Library
Celsus Library, one of the most important structures of the Ephesus Ancient City, was built by his son Gaius Julius Aquila in honor of Celsus between the years 110 - 135 AD.
The building, which is one of the most beautiful buildings of the Roman period, served as both a library and a tomb monument. When

Celsus Library Ephesus İzmir Ancient City Efes Antik Kenti Celsus Kütüphanesi

City & Architecture 15.11.2021

Unknown VIPs from distant Past

At Coastal district of Balochistan, Pakistan, there are numerous such elaborately decorated tombs of ancient origin. Nobody knows who they were.
The orientation of grave is not in the line of Ibrahimic Religions, The construction material is unique and not found anywhere else.
Archialogical research has not been done till

Distant past archeology architecture history people unknown

Celebrities 14.09.2021

Sultan Ahmet Camii

Sultan Ahmet Camii, 1609-1617 yılları arasında Osmanlı Padişahı I. Ahmed tarafından İstanbul'daki tarihî yarımadada, Mimar Sedefkâr
Mehmed Ağa'ya yaptırılmıştır.

About Blue Mosque

The Blue Mosque (Called Sultanahmet Camii in Turkish) is an historical mosque in Istanbul. The mosque

City & Architecture 01.07.2018

7 Tane Erik Ağacı..

7 Tane Erik Ağacı

Boş ver kafiyelere Reyis
Boş ver şiir yazmaya evlat
Otur da doğru dürüst
7 tane erik ağacının hikayesini anlat
Evimiz deniz kenarındadır Fındıklı’da
Ekmek paramız Beyoğlu’nda çıkar
Beyoğlu’na bir yokuştan çıkarız yirmi senedir

Nature 12.05.2016


Göynük, Bolu ilinin güneybatı kısmında yer alan yedi mahalle ve altmış altı köy barındıran ‘şeker fasulyesi’, ‘uğut marmelatı’, ‘tokalı örtüleri’ ve ‘tahta oymacılık eserleri’ ile ünlü bir ilçesidir. 20. yüzyıl başlarına ait eski Türk evleri bakımından zengin olan ilçe sahip olduğu 137

Göynük Tarihi Evler Bolu

Travel 28.12.2015

Yeşil Türbe

Bursa, Green Tomb , Bursa’da ilk dönem Osmanlı mimarisinin önemli örnekleri arasında yer alan bir tarihi yapı. 14 yy.

green tomb yeşil ütrbe bursa

City & Architecture 25.12.2015

from lost past

mysterious tomba at "Durreji" , Balochistan of yet an unknown race ..

tombs mystery lost-civilizations

Uncategorized 30.01.2015

Arıcık ve Sonbahar Çiçeği

Tam ekran tavsiye...

Şimdilerde hepimiz, gelişine yaşıyoruz hayatı..
Kırgın yüreklerimiz, yorgun bedenlerimiz,
kaybedilmiş heveslerimizle...
Bahtımıza ne düşerse.. İşte öylesine...

Arı Böcekler Turuncu Sonbahar Çiçekler Arıların Dünyası Bal Böcekleri Tombul Arı

Insect 10.11.2014



Karahindiba (Taraxacum officinale), papatyagiller (Asteraceae) familyasından yaygın bir bitki türü. Çiçekleri sarı, yaprakları yeşil olsa da bitkinin adına "karahindiba" denilmiştir.

Mısır ve Kıpçak Türkleri'nin "katagan", Çağatay Türkleri'nin "saçratku" olarak bildikleri bu bitki günümüze "karahindiba"

Plant 05.03.2014

7 Tane Erik Ağacı..

7 Tane Erik Ağacı

Boş ver kafiyelere Reyis
Boş ver şiir yazmaya evlat
Otur da doğru dürüst
7 tane erik ağacının hikayesini anlat
Evimiz deniz kenarındadır Fındıklı’da
Ekmek paramız Beyoğlu’nda çıkar
Beyoğlu’na bir yokuştan çıkarız yirmi senedir

Nature 12.05.2016

Sultan Ahmet Camii

Sultan Ahmet Camii, 1609-1617 yılları arasında Osmanlı Padişahı I. Ahmed tarafından İstanbul'daki tarihî yarımadada, Mimar Sedefkâr
Mehmed Ağa'ya yaptırılmıştır.

About Blue Mosque

The Blue Mosque (Called Sultanahmet Camii in Turkish) is an historical mosque in Istanbul. The mosque

City & Architecture 01.07.2018


Göynük, Bolu ilinin güneybatı kısmında yer alan yedi mahalle ve altmış altı köy barındıran ‘şeker fasulyesi’, ‘uğut marmelatı’, ‘tokalı örtüleri’ ve ‘tahta oymacılık eserleri’ ile ünlü bir ilçesidir. 20. yüzyıl başlarına ait eski Türk evleri bakımından zengin olan ilçe sahip olduğu 137

Göynük Tarihi Evler Bolu

Travel 28.12.2015

Arıcık ve Sonbahar Çiçeği

Tam ekran tavsiye...

Şimdilerde hepimiz, gelişine yaşıyoruz hayatı..
Kırgın yüreklerimiz, yorgun bedenlerimiz,
kaybedilmiş heveslerimizle...
Bahtımıza ne düşerse.. İşte öylesine...

Arı Böcekler Turuncu Sonbahar Çiçekler Arıların Dünyası Bal Böcekleri Tombul Arı

Insect 10.11.2014

The Gate-Mazaeus & Mithridates

Ephesus-Mazaeus & Mithridates Gate

This monumental gate was built in the north of the Library Square, when there was no library yet. This gate, which was built by the emperor's two slaves freed as a triumphal arch and given as a gift to the emperor Augustus and his wife Livia, was turned into the southern gate of the

Ephesus Efec Antik Kent Ancient City Gate Mazaeus Mithridates İzmir Historic Places

City & Architecture 16.11.2021

Celsus Kütüphanesi

Celsus Library
Celsus Library, one of the most important structures of the Ephesus Ancient City, was built by his son Gaius Julius Aquila in honor of Celsus between the years 110 - 135 AD.
The building, which is one of the most beautiful buildings of the Roman period, served as both a library and a tomb monument. When

Celsus Library Ephesus İzmir Ancient City Efes Antik Kenti Celsus Kütüphanesi

City & Architecture 15.11.2021

Yeşil Türbe

Bursa, Green Tomb , Bursa’da ilk dönem Osmanlı mimarisinin önemli örnekleri arasında yer alan bir tarihi yapı. 14 yy.

green tomb yeşil ütrbe bursa

City & Architecture 25.12.2015

Unknown VIPs from distant Past

At Coastal district of Balochistan, Pakistan, there are numerous such elaborately decorated tombs of ancient origin. Nobody knows who they were.
The orientation of grave is not in the line of Ibrahimic Religions, The construction material is unique and not found anywhere else.
Archialogical research has not been done till

Distant past archeology architecture history people unknown

Celebrities 14.09.2021

from lost past

mysterious tomba at "Durreji" , Balochistan of yet an unknown race ..

tombs mystery lost-civilizations

Uncategorized 30.01.2015


The Evzones or Evzonoi were several historical elite light infantry and mountain units of the Greek Army. Today, they are the members of the Presidential Guard, a ceremonial unit that guards the Greek Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the Presidential Mansion in Athens.
Evzones are known for their distinctive uniform, which evolved

people guard changing tomb uniforms Greece

People 26.11.2023

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  • Doris Holzmann


  • Doris Holzmann


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