


The Parish of Divine Mercy in Kudowa-Zdrój – a Roman Catholic parish belonging to the Kudowa-Zdrój deanery of the Świdnica diocese. It was erected in 1972.

architecture church Parish Catholic original

City & Architecture 04.01.2025


One of the hotel in Bodrum Gumbet, Turkey
October 2024

holidays stay hotel pool October architecture

Travel 07.10.2024


One of the outdoor cafe in Międzyzdroje, Poland

city architecture buildings cafe outdoor

City & Architecture 06.07.2024


Ahlbeck is a village of the Heringsdorf municipality on the island of Usedom on the Baltic coast. It is the easternmost of the so-called Kaiserbäder ("Imperial Spas") seaside resorts on the German part of the island, situated right next to the border with Poland and the city of Świnoujście.
It is a charming seaside resort

city architecture streets buildings cars

City & Architecture 13.06.2024


Hotel HILTON in the seaside district, Swinoujscie, Poland.
The reality TV star is the great-granddaughter of the famous Conrad Hilton, who created the Hilton hotel brand and everything indicates that the hotel industry is deeply rooted in her blood.

architecture city building hotel exclusive

City & Architecture 09.06.2024


Entrance to the Pier in Międzyzdroje, Poland.

pier entrance city architecture restaurants HDR

HDR 07.06.2024


Archbishop's Palace in Seville, Spain. To this day, it serves as the residence of bishops and archbishops of episcopal sees and numerous noble and military figures. It is located on Plaza Virgen de los Reyes.

travel architecture square palace people

Travel 24.05.2024


The Cathedral of Saint Mary of the See better known as Seville Cathedral is a Catholic cathedral in Seville, Andalusia, Spain. It was registered in 1987 by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site, along with the adjoining Alcázar palace complex and the General Archive of the Indies. It is one of the largest churches in the world as well as

city architecture cathedral gothic entrance

City & Architecture 09.05.2024


The Plaza de España ("Spain Square") is a plaza in the Parque de María Luisa (Maria Luisa Park), in Seville, Spain. It was built in 1928 for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929.
The centre of it is Parque de María Luisa, designed in a "Moorish paradisical style", with a half mile of tiled fountains, pavilions, walls, ponds,

city architecture square buildings tower people

City & Architecture 08.05.2024


The Buddhist Enlightenment Stupa in Benalmadena is the largest shrine of its kind in the West. It is 33 meters high and lies on the slope of the Sierra de Mijas mountains with a beautiful panorama west of Malaga. It is located on an observation deck designed by an architect of Polish origin, Wojtek Kossowski.

architecture stupa Buddhist high white

Object 06.05.2024


One of the street in Benalmádena Pueblo, Spain.
Benalmádena Pueblo - the oldest part of the city, a district with typical Andalusian architecture (the so-called "white houses"), located about 3 km inland (on the southern slopes of the Sierra de Mijas), at an altitude of 200 m above sea level.

city pueblo street architecture houses white

City & Architecture 05.05.2024


Yacht port and marina (Puerto Deportivo de Benalmádena "Puerto Marina") - put into operation in 1979 and in its current form in 1982, it is characterized by rare architecture in the Andalusian-Moorish style, which distinguishes it from other facilities of this type and gave it recognition all over the world.

port marina architecture buildings details

City & Architecture 03.05.2024



Şanlıurfa'nın bir ilçesi. G.Antep ile Urfa arasında kalıyor. Eski Halfeti fırat nehri üzerindeki baraj nedeniyle sular altında kalan kısımdır (köy sular altında sadece caminin minaresi görülebiliyor.) buradaki insanlar yeni Halfeti'ye yerleştirilmiştir.
iki dağ arasında kalmış baraj suyu mükemmel bir güzellik,

Travel 29.01.2015

Selim Sırrı Paşa Konağı

Kapanca Sokağı Tarih Koridoru - İzmit / Kocaeli

" 19. yüzyıla ait bir sivil mimarlık örneği olan Sırrı Paşa Konağı, İzmit Mutasarrıfı Selim Sırrı Paşa tarafından İzmit Hacı Hasan Mahallesi Yeni Çeşme Sokak'ta yaptırıldı. Planını bizzat Mutasarrıf Selim Sırrı Paşa’nın çizdiği, Körfez’e

Konak Tarih Kapanca Tarih Koridoru Paşa İzmit Kocaeli

City & Architecture 22.06.2019

James Prinsep Ghat

1841 ghat featuring a monument with Greek & Gothic details in a parklike setting with bridge views. Prinsep Ghats (Bengali: প্রিন্সেপ ঘাট) is a ghat built in 1841 during the British Raj, along the Kolkata bank of the Hooghly River in India. The Palladian porch in the memory of the eminent Anglo-Indian scholar

city architecture street

City & Architecture 17.03.2018

Palafitic pier of Carrasqueira

It´s located in the middle of Natural Reserve of Sado Estuary next to Comporta (at the south top of Tróia peninsula) and to its beaches. This village has preserved a masterpiece of popular architecture. It is a quay set on wooden stakes stretching and spreading throughout hundreds of meters along the muddy brooks of Sado river. This

Uncategorized 08.01.2015


Beautiful Masjid at "peer-panjah" ,Bolan pass Near Quetta,Balochistan

Allah o Akber Masjid Travel Bolan pass Beautiful Architecture

Travel 11.09.2017

Santa Marta Lighthouse Museum

It opened to the public in July 2007, and its model is unique in the country as it links spaces of exhibits with the function With an architecture project by Francisco and Manuel Aires Mateus and museological programme by Joaquim Boiça, the Farol Museu de Santa Marta (Santa Marta Lighthouse Museum) was restored based on a protocol

Uncategorized 24.03.2015

Jorasanko Thakur Bari / Rabindra Bharati Museum

Jorasanko Thakur Bari (Bengali: House of the Thakurs (anglicised to Tagore) in Jorasanko, north of Kolkata, West Bengal, India, is the ancestral home of the Tagore family. It is currently located on the Rabindra Bharati University campus at 6/4 Dwarakanath Tagore Lane Jorasanko, Kolkata 700007. It is the house in which the poet and

architecture historic

City & Architecture 22.12.2017

St. Paul's Cathedral

St. Paul's Cathedral is a CNI(Church of North India )Cathedral of Anglican background in Kolkata, West Bengal, India, noted for its Gothic architecture. It is the seat of the Diocese of Calcutta. The cornerstone was laid in 1839; the building was completed in 1847. It is said to be the largest cathedral in Kolkata and the first Episcopal

Black and white Historic Place

Black and White 05.05.2018


Safranbolu, Karabük ilinin turistik bir ilçesidir. Konumu Ankara'nın 231 km kuzeyinde ve Karadeniz'in 90 km güneyindedir. Karabük ilçe merkezinin de 8 km kuzeyinde bulunmaktadır. Safranbolu şehir merkezi ve Karabük il merkezi birbirine yakındır.

Ev örneklerine, Beypazarı, Göynük, Taraklı, Odunpazarı

Safranbolu Karabük Tarihi Evler

City & Architecture 13.04.2015

Silent Story....

ruins of a typical ,traditional Mud built house at Mastung valley

Architecture Traditonal Balochistan Residence

Landscapes 07.10.2017


Cumalıkızık - Bursa
"The UNESCO World Heritage List in 2014 into a housing that retains the texture of the Ottoman period to the present day village. Of Ottoman civil architecture to the present day, has been taken under the protection of Cumalıkızık house carrying"
2014 Yılında UNESCO Dünya Mirasları Listesine

Cumalıkızık Tarihi evler Kültür mirası Bursa

City & Architecture 11.06.2016


Şirince, İzmir'in Selçuk ilçesine bağlı ve Selçuk'a 8 km. mesafede tarihi mimarisi korunması başarılmış turistik bir köydür.
Özgün adı olan Kırkınca'nın efsanevi bir çağda dağlara vuran kırk kişiye atfen verildiği rivayet edilir. Rum telaffuzunda Kirkice, Kirkince ve nihayet Çirkince gibi biçimler

Şirince Şarap İzmir

City & Architecture 11.04.2015

Yeşil Şirince


Açıklama : Şirince, İzmir'in Selçuk ilçesine bağlı ve Selçuk'a 8 km. mesafede tarihi mimarisi korunması başarılmış turistik bir köydür.
Özgün adı olan Kırkınca'nın efsanevi bir çağda dağlara vuran kırk kişiye atfen verildiği rivayet edilir. Rum telaffuzunda Kirkice, Kirkince

Şirince Zeytin Asma Üzüm Şarap Selçuk İzmir

Landscapes 06.02.2016

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